Winter Eyrie: “Wolf Song” by Sandra Hughes

These are the days of cold nights and thawing afternoons, tiny green shoots in the garden, rain that freezes and snow that melts within hours. I found the next contribution to the Winter Eyrie project, this poem by Sandra Hughes, a comforting reminder of peace within turbulence. Enjoy!

Wolf Song

by Sandra Hughes

The wind howls.
It growls, snarls, swirls, threatens,
Curls about my cottage walls,
Seeking chinks and gaps where it might slip in.

The wind with its velvety paws
Shuffles about the door frames,
Snuffles, and whimpers, rattling the latches,
Panting, yowling, upon my threshold.

Will it ever cease howling to be let in?
It threatens my children with its chill.
Will it ever cease prowling, crying, prying at the shingles,
Rubbing its icy spine against my window panes?

I have not the power to quiet its mournful wails; 
I cannot direct the wind.
I can only latch the rough red door,
And light the crackling fire to bar the wolf’s descent down my chimney.

I pray blessings over my doorsills and thresholds.
I pray blessings over my children, who sigh, and mutter in their beds.
I pray to the Great Conductor of the Grand Symphony,
Who alone has the power to whisper to the wind.   

I pray until the howling subsides,
Changes from a crescendo to a whimper,
And my children breathe heavily, and snuggle deeper under their blankets,
Lulled by the song of the wolf.  

Sandra Rose Hughes

Writing Enchantment into Everyday Life. 

Sandra Rose Hughes is a Christian, a mother of four, a former high school English teacher, a poet, and a middle grade fantasy novelist with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from California Baptist University. She enjoys using writing to create enchantment in daily life and is planning to release a fairy-tale themed poetry collection, “Why Faeries Bite: Poems from Rockriver Hill,” in the summer of 2022. You can follow her parenting adventures at, and visit her Facebook or Instagram page for her (nearly) daily poems and photoshop creations.

5 thoughts on “Winter Eyrie: “Wolf Song” by Sandra Hughes

  1. thewriterinmedot March 16, 2022 / 4:58 pm

    Whoa, this was such a treat! I loved the way that Sandra used onomatopoeia to make the poem come alive and this line was something else! ‘I pray to the Great Conductor of the Grand Symphony, Who alone has the power to whisper to the wind.’ What a way to describe our God. Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aunt Susie March 16, 2022 / 8:52 pm

      That scary, fierce, freezing wind. I could hear it and feel it. I’m shivering! The consistent imagery never loses its potency.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. emmacfox March 18, 2022 / 3:07 am

    “Rubbing its icy spine against my windowpanes”…what a vivid picture!

    Liked by 1 person

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